For a New Fall Routine: A Woman’s Guide to Reading the Bible in a Year

small WomansGuideBibleMy oldest grandson started fourth grade today. I guess the back-to-school season is more than officially here, and that means fall is just around the corner.

The fall season has always signaled anew start for me, a time for new routines. For you too?

Maybe you’ll be joining a new Bible study group as fall begins where you live, or starting a brand-new group. Maybe you’re looking for a new study guide for yourself or your small group. May I make a recommendation?

I was blessed in 2000 to join a women’s Bible study group formed to read through the Bible in a year. Although I’d been a Christian for many years and had read many parts of the Bible and used the Bible in my work as an editor, I had never actually read the entire Bible. I joined the group, and it changed my life in so many ways.

Out of that read-through-the-Bible experience, which I’ve repeated in various forms most years since then, I wrote A Woman’s Guide to Reading the Bible in a Year: A Life-Changing Journey into the Heart of God (Bethany House). There’s also a popular e-book version.

Three Chapters

The reading plan in the book—just three chapters a day—alternates Old Testament and New Testament books. With this reading plan, you’ll never feel “stuck” in the Old Testament, and you’ll make Old Testament and New Testament connections more quickly than if you read straight through from Genesis to Revelation.

One Question

With each week’s readings, you’ll find just a few short paragraphs of background information and one question to answer each week: How did you experience God’s heart in this week’s reading?

One Focus

The focus all year is simply on getting to know God better though His Word. You can start at any time of year and use any Bible version.

Use the book on your own, or join with some others to read and get together to talk about what you’ve read. We can’t lead our children into a relationship with God that we don’t have. But getting to know God through His wonderful Word is a forever gift we can give our children and ourselves.


– Diane

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