Posts Tagged: guest posts

A Guest Post by Grace Fox

Today I’m happy to host Grace Fox posting about her newest book and the family tradition behind it. Grace is an international speaker at women’s events and the author of seven books, including 10-Minute Time Outs for Moms, 10-Minute Time Outs for You and Your Kids. Her latest release is Tuck-Me-In Talks with Your Little…

A Guest Post by Allia Zobel Nolan

  Allia Zobel Nolan My friend and fellow author Allia Zobel Nolan guest posts today! When I met Allia, we both worked for publishing houses that sometimes collaborated to create children’s books. One day Allia sent me an e-mail asking what Bible versions I read or would recommend. The next time we saw each other,…

A Guest Post by Lynn Pratt

My friend Lynn Lusby Pratt loves Jesus and loves God’s word. She’s an excellent editor and a creative, prolific writer too. (Check out her site Deep, Dark, and Funny.) This guest post is adapted from one of Lynn’s many published articles. Psalm 23 woke me up. Groggy, for I had slept badly, I tried to…