In this series I’ve said that how we live every day becomes our legacy, that God instructs us to communicate faith in Him to the next generation, and that He tells us how. We’ve also looked at specific ways to help our kids and grandkids experience and grow in faith by how we bring God…
Posts Tagged: Word of God
For a New Fall Routine: A Woman’s Guide to Reading the Bible in a Year
My oldest grandson started fourth grade today. I guess the back-to-school season is more than officially here, and that means fall is just around the corner. The fall season has always signaled anew start for me, a time for new routines. For you too? Maybe you’ll be joining a new Bible study group as fall…
An Interview with Author Allia Zobel Nolan
Allia Zobel Nolan is an internationally published author of 200 children’s and adult trade titles. Her books reflect her two main passions, God and cats. Allia is one of my favorite people! Her books include such varied titles as Whatever Is Lovely; Thank You, God, from Kids Around the World; Hugs & Kisses, God, from…
5 Ways to Give Children the Gift of God’s Word
If I could give only one gift to my children and grandchildren, it would be knowledge of the Bible, the written Word of God. Ultimately, I want them to know and follow Jesus. But it is God’s Word that will prepare them to accept him, teach them how to follow him, and strengthen them to…
A Guest Post by Allia Zobel Nolan
Allia Zobel Nolan My friend and fellow author Allia Zobel Nolan guest posts today! When I met Allia, we both worked for publishing houses that sometimes collaborated to create children’s books. One day Allia sent me an e-mail asking what Bible versions I read or would recommend. The next time we saw each other,…